1. Por uma web melhor e mais segura

    Sat 28 May 2011

    Hoje adicionei no site um script para alertar usuários que usam versões antigas (e inseguras) de browsers. O projeto é o “Salve a Web, por favor”. Ele é opensource e pode ser visto no repositório do github. Basta carregar o script com a seguinte entrada na sua página:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://sawpf.com/1.0.js"></script>

    Acho que pela própria natureza dos posts no meu blog, a divisão dos browsers não é parecida com aquela global, em que o Internet Explorer ainda é o browser mais usado. Porém acho importante alerr os usuários. Quem sabe poderemos …

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  2. Cross-compiling with icecc/icecream

    Very common questions I hear when dealing with  compiling open source projects are:

    1. How do I cross-compile a project using icecc/icecream?
    2. How to use a different compiler version for compiling my project and still benefiting from icecc/icecream?

    Note: from now on I’ll always refer to icecream instead icecc/iceccd/distcc for the name of the project.

    Given you already created your cross toolchain  (or downloaded from somewhere else, e.g.  CodeSourcery/Linaro) these two questions are essentially the same. All you have to do is to follow the two steps below:

    1. Create the “compiler environment”

    Understanding …

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  3. ANNOUNCE: codespell 1.0

    I’m glad to announce codespell 1.0! After 3 RCs and patches submitted to several projects, I thought it was stable enough to call it 1.0. You can download the 1.0 version below:


    Seemy previous post if you are willing to know what codespell is or read the README file inside the package.

    I have already filled a TODO file with ideas for the next version. They came to mind after I’ve generated a giant patch for the Linux kernel. It is the biggest patch I …

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  4. On typos and misspellings

    This week I’m in a release mood, so I’m releasing several projects I’m involved with. If you lost the first two, checkout dietsplash 0.3 and genslide 0.3 (though the announcement was in Portuguese).

    After developing for several projects I’ve noticed most of them contain typos and misspellings. Even if this does not directly affect the source quality (unless the misspellings are in documentation), if we left the comment there, we’ve left it for a reason: because we want the reader of that code to stop and read it. It’s particularly good to …

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