Very common questions I hear when dealing with compiling open source
projects are:
- How do I cross-compile a project using icecc/icecream?
- How to use a different compiler version for compiling my project and
still benefiting from icecc/icecream?
Note: from now on I’ll always refer to icecream instead
icecc/iceccd/distcc for the name of the project.
Given you already created your cross toolchain (or downloaded from
somewhere else, e.g. CodeSourcery/Linaro) these two questions are
essentially the same. All you have to do is to follow the two steps below:
1. Create the “compiler environment”
Understanding this part is really understanding how this magic
remote-compiling works. When you want to compile a source remotely, what
icecream does is sending a copy of your compiler and the things it needs
to the remote machine, executing the process and getting back the
result. By “things it needs” I mean: assembler, linker, libc, libgcc and
some other libraries like libm, libgmp, libstdc++, libz, etc. Creating
this environment with icecream is dead easy: call “icecc
—build-native”. Following is the output I get on my Archlinux box with
gcc 4.6.0 as default compiler:
$ icecc --build-native
adding file /usr/bin/gcc
adding file /lib/
adding file /lib/
adding file /usr/bin/g++
adding file /usr/bin/as
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/bin/cc1=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.6.0/cc1
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/lib/
adding file /usr/bin/cc1plus=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.6.0/cc1plus
adding file /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.6.0/
adding file /etc/
creating 6b1d2b44080a004a88c0746fe128172e.tar.gz
Note that in the last line it created a .tar.gz file. This is the
environment that will be sent to other machines. If you want to use
another compiler, you need to create another environment that will be
later passed to icecream in the second step.
To create an environment for a compiler that is not the default in your
machine, first thing you need is to have it in your PATH, pointing to
the icecc binary. Here sometimes I use GCC 4.4 instead of the default
compiler, so I’ll use it as an example. In my machine, GCC 4.4 is
installed in /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 and icecream is installed in /opt/icecream/bin:
$ which gcc-4.4
$ which icecc
Go to where icecc is installed and make a symlink to icecc with the same
name of the compiler you want to use:
$ sudo ln -s icecc gcc-4.4
$ sudo ln -s icecc g++-4.4
Now, tell icecream to create the environment for this compiler:
$ cd /tmp
$ export ICECC_CC=gcc-4.4
$ export ICECC_CXX=g++4.4
$ icecc --build-native
Now your environment is ready. Copy the file generated to somewhere
you’ll remember later (you can give it whatever name you like):
$ sudo cp my-environment-built-above.tar.gz /var/icecream/gcc-4-4.4_x86-64.tar.gz
This step will be done only once, as opposed to the second step below
that is repeated whenever you compile a new source.
2. Tell icecream which environment to use
When compiling a source code, tell icecream which environment it will
send to other hosts. You do this by exporting some env vars:
$ export ICECC_CC=gcc-4.4
$ export ICECC_CXX=g++-4.4
$ export ICECC_VERSION=/var/icecream/gcc-4-4.4_x86-64.tar.gz
Now you can compile your source code as usual, be it calling gcc
directly or through makefiles or other build systems. For example:
$ gcc-4.4 helloworld.c -o helloworld
If you manage a handful of machines running icecream, I’d recommend a
software we developed at ProFUSION called
UPDATE: if you want a recommendation on how to build a cross toolchain,
crossdev it is. The
steps are the same as above, replacing gcc-4.4 with the name given to
your compiler (e.g. arm-elf-gcc-4.6.0)