Other articles

  1. BlueZ to move to standard D-Bus interfaces

    During the last week I was in Recife, Brazil, together with Henrique Dante, Ulisses Furquim and other fellows attending the BlueZ meeting. We discussed several topics, among them the upcoming BlueZ 5 API. That discussion started by Johan and Marcel saying BlueZ would not move to DBus.Properties and DBus.ObjectManager anymore for the next version. Main reason being that BlueZ now will have more frequent releases than it had in past and therefore there wasn’t enough time to convert the API. However I and Luiz von Dentz already had an almost working solution: I implemented DBus.Properties and …

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  2. ANNOUNCE: codespell 1.0

    I’m glad to announce codespell 1.0! After 3 RCs and patches submitted to several projects, I thought it was stable enough to call it 1.0. You can download the 1.0 version below:


    Seemy previous post if you are willing to know what codespell is or read the README file inside the package.

    I have already filled a TODO file with ideas for the next version. They came to mind after I’ve generated a giant patch for the Linux kernel. It is the biggest patch I …

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  3. On typos and misspellings

    This week I’m in a release mood, so I’m releasing several projects I’m involved with. If you lost the first two, checkout dietsplash 0.3 and genslide 0.3 (though the announcement was in Portuguese).

    After developing for several projects I’ve noticed most of them contain typos and misspellings. Even if this does not directly affect the source quality (unless the misspellings are in documentation), if we left the comment there, we’ve left it for a reason: because we want the reader of that code to stop and read it. It’s particularly good to …

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  4. Criando imagens customizadas de endereços de email

    Endereços de email são muitas vezes mascarados na web para que não sejam facilmente obtidos por programas que tem por objetivo enviar spam. É relativamente fácil escrever um programinha que fica vasculhando a web em busca de endereços de email, cadastrá-los em um banco de dados e depois utilizá-los como quisermos. Para que isso não ocorra, várias vezes nos deparamos com endereços de email passados como “joao AT gmail DOT com” ou alguma coisa do tipo.  Outra técnica muito utilizada é transformá-lo em uma imagem. Dessa forma o programinha malicioso que a princípio era fácil se torna bem mais difícil …

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