1. Criando imagens customizadas de endereços de email

    Endereços de email são muitas vezes mascarados na web para que não sejam facilmente obtidos por programas que tem por objetivo enviar spam. É relativamente fácil escrever um programinha que fica vasculhando a web em busca de endereços de email, cadastrá-los em um banco de dados e depois utilizá-los como quisermos. Para que isso não ocorra, várias vezes nos deparamos com endereços de email passados como “joao AT gmail DOT com” ou alguma coisa do tipo.  Outra técnica muito utilizada é transformá-lo em uma imagem. Dessa forma o programinha malicioso que a princípio era fácil se torna bem mais difícil …

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  2. Easily embedding WebKit into your EFL application

    This is the first of a series of posts that I’m planning to do using basic examples in EFL, the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. You may have heard that EFL is reaching its 1.0 release. Instead of starting from the very beginning with the basic functions of these libraries, I decided to go the opposite way, showing the fun stuff that is possible to do. Since I’m also an WebKit developer, let’s put the best of both softwares together and have a basic window rendering a webpage.

    Before starting off, just some remarks:

    1. I’m using here …
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  3. Understanding RT by graphics

    A lot of people seem not to understand very well what real-time means. They usually tend to think RT has anything to do with performance and the raw throughput. It doesn’t. It’s all about determinism and guarantees.

    This post’s title has “by graphics” words. I think the graphics below are worth a thousand words. I obtained them while porting the RT tree to Freescale boards some weeks ago at ProFUSION. Basically I’m running a task that wakes up every 40ms, run a tiny job, send some numbers through the network and sleeps again. The time in …

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  4. Embedded Linux Conference 2010

    So, today was the last day of the Embedded Linux Conference. Now, I’ll be here in USA for the Linux Collaboration Summit. It was really cool and it was amazing to meet people you are only used to chat, exchange some emails or that you heard about. Just to name some: Steven Rostedt, Greg Kroah-Hartman, Frank Rowand, Mike Anderson, Andrew Morton, Jon Corbet and others. I was really impressed too seeing Rostedt programming or Greg answering emails. What a great guys

    And yesterday I presented my work, talking about the optimization of the Linux scheduler for soft real-time when …

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  5. Banco do Brasil + Linux 64 bits

    Faz 1 mês mais ou menos que liguei no Banco do Brasil reclamando que a “solução de segurança” do site deles não estava funcionando no meu Linux 64 bits. Sem grandes surpresas, depois de me perguntarem se eu tinha a VM java da sun instalada, versão, etc, eles me passaram para o suporte de segundo nível. Pediram o meu telefone, dizendo que entrariam em contato (isso foi no sábado).

    Logo na segunda-feira de manhã me ligaram e após mais um tempo conversando, ele disse: “o problema é que a nossa solução de segurança não é homologada para a jre 1 …

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  6. Amazing kernel related blog

    Today while reading “posts” on Buzz and digging in my RSS reader, I found this blog: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/ made by an ubuntu engineer. How many amazing posts there are on this blog. Particularly interesting is the one about ACPI Debugging and the other about perf, the tool I posted about some days ago (although it covers just a tiny amount of things this tool is capable of).

    When I have some spare time I’ll try to use that first post to debug the ACPI on my buggy asus laptop, where temperature goes sometimes as high as 90 …

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