1. Chromium

    After reading this post at “Linux Today” I decided to install the so expected Linux version of Chrome, the Google’s browser.

    As I use Arch Linux, I haven’t expected to have a compiled version linked directly by the chromium’s website. Instead, I was hoping Arch’s developers already packaged it. And, with no big surprises, they did. Just to clarify a thing before continuing: Chromium is the open source projected behind Chrome (which is not opensource).

    I’m not writing this post to repeat what’s already written there. So read it too. As opposed to his …

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  2. Playing with your cache

    Another possible titles could be “how to really slow down your computer” or “why caches are so important in computer architectures”. I started playing with turning my cache on and off last week using Linux because there are some situations in which you have to know why a piece of software is not working as expected. A possible problem could be the well known cache trashing, in which the contents of the cache is thrown away very often. Turning it down may give an answer if this is really the problem since now even running very slowly this variable is …

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