1. Compiler’s compiler version

    Today I was just wondering… what’s the version of the compiler which compiled my compiler. Quite a strange question to make myself and I really don’t know where this curiosity came from.

    Looking in Wikipedia:

    Early compilers were written in assembly language. The first self-hosting compiler — capable of compiling its own source code in a high-level language — was created for Lisp by Tim Hart and Mike Levin at MIT in 1962.^[2]^ Since the 1970s it has become common practice to implement a compiler in the language it compiles, although both Pascal and C have been popular choices …

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  2. Trissa 3D is arriving

    I’m proud to release version 0.98 of one of my projects, Trissa. Whilst this is not a version intended for the end-user, I’d like to have some more users to find bugs before releasing 1.0. Be warned: this is intended for developers only. There’s no package yet, so you have to compile it yourself. Some screenshots:

    First screen About menu Options menu Start of a 4x4x4 Game Choosing first position - Human Player After some time Minmax Player wins

    I’m putting online also a presentation I gave about this project in my university, Politecnico di Milano. Trissa is the name of the Tic-tac-toe game in italian and I made it as part of a course: Laboratory of …

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  3. Awesome!

    Mon 13 July 2009

    Just a short post to share a beautiful Brazilian song. Two days ago my friend was playing it, now it just doesn’t get out of my head :-)

    Have fun.

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  4. Sharing some homeworks

    So, I’ve spent some time last weeks doing some homeworks for courses at Politecnico di Milano. One of them is for the course “Image analysis and synthesis” in which I did together with a friend of mine some animations in Blender.

    The goal was to make some animations of sport scenes and after apply a kind of “filter” in Matlab to simulate a high exposure of the camera, or, if you prefer, to draw the trace of the ball. As the only object moving in scene was the ball, these two are roughly the same thing. This is done …

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  5. The browser war continues…

    Sat 04 July 2009

    One month ago I wrote a post talking about the new Chrome for linux, or better yet, that the Chromium (this one is opensource) is finally working well under Linux, and so fast.

    Well, while the Chromium guys are working hard to get a decent browser, the firefox guys didn’t stop working and last week Mozilla released the so waited Firefox 3.5.

    My 2 biggest complaints about the prior version were that (i) the awesome bar gets slow as time pass and you visit a lot of sites and (ii) the start up time. The first one I …

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  6. Benvinda de volta Oficina G3

    Creio que nem todos conheçam a banda Oficina G3. Em poucas palavras, é uma banda evangélica de rock muito boa.

    O rock pesado nunca foi meu estilo favorito. Passei a ouvir Oficina principalmente quando lá pelo ano 2000 (acho) eles partiram para um estilo mais light com CDs como “Acústico” e “Ao Vivo no Olímpia”. O último CD deles que ouvi bastante foi o “Humanos” quando eles voltaram para o rock que apesar de pesado, era ainda “ouvível”.

    Com a saída do vocalista PG do grupo eles deram uma “recaída” e depois de algum tempo sem lançar nenhum CD lançaram …

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