1. Seminário de Linux Embarcado 2011

    No último final de semana participei do Seminário de Linux Embarcado, em que palestrei sobre “systemd: repensando a inicialização”. O feedback que tive do pessoal foi positivo, mostrando bastante interesse nos diversos tipos de inicialização sob demanda, exclusivos desse sistema de init. Os slides estão disponíveis aqui no blog.

    Gostei bastante do evento, que teve também participação do Antognolli, que trabalha comigo, sobre interfaces gráficas em sistemas embarcados usando o conjunto de bibliotecas EFL. Outro conhecido meu de outras conferências, Glauber Costa, falou sobre QEMU.

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  2. Benchmarking Javascript engines for EFL

    The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries has several bindings for other languages in order to ease the creation of end-user applications, speeding up its development. Among them, there’s a binding for Javascript using the Spidermonkey engine. The questions are: is it fast enough? Does it slowdown your application? Is Spidermonkey the best JS engine to be used?

    To answer these questions Gustavo Barbiericreated some C, JS and Python benchmarks to compare the performance of EFL using each of these languages. The JS benchmarks were using Spidermonkey as the engine since elixir was already done for EFL. I then created new …

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  3. ESC Brazil - Realtime Linux with RT_PREEMPT

    Two weeks ago I’d give a talk about realtime Linux at ESC Brazil: “Usando Linux como Sistema de Tempo Real” (Using Linux as a realtime OS). Sadly some days before while playing soccer  I broke my fibula and I had to have a surgery. I regret I couldn’t attend this conference.

    At least in the company I work for there are more people with knowledge in this area. Gustavo Barbieri went there in my place and had a good feedback from the attendees.

    Now I have stay home. At least for 1 or 2 months :-(.

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  4. codespell 1.1-rc1

    I’m glad to announce the first RC of codespell 1.1. I decided to let the biggest feature for the next version and release 1.1 with the small but important features that were already implemented. This new version comes with the following features:

    • Verbosity level: tired of seeing so many things printed while the fixes are taking place? Now you can filter what you see
    • Exclusion list: there are cases in which the codespell spots a false positive, but disabling the entry in the dictionary will prevent it from fixing many other places. This is particularly true when …
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  5. Cross-compiling with icecc/icecream

    Very common questions I hear when dealing with  compiling open source projects are:

    1. How do I cross-compile a project using icecc/icecream?
    2. How to use a different compiler version for compiling my project and still benefiting from icecc/icecream?

    Note: from now on I’ll always refer to icecream instead icecc/iceccd/distcc for the name of the project.

    Given you already created your cross toolchain  (or downloaded from somewhere else, e.g.  CodeSourcery/Linaro) these two questions are essentially the same. All you have to do is to follow the two steps below:

    1. Create the “compiler environment”

    Understanding …

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