1. Becoming social…

    I’ve just installed a plugin in my blog to display the common social sites below each post. From now on, if you like a post you can share it with the world using your preferred social media.

    I’m using the Socialize plugin in WordPress. I’m not sure if it’s the best one: I just installed and checked it works. Any advices?

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  2. AndroidConf 2011

    Hoje dei uma palestra na AndroidConf sobre “Modificando a API do Android”. Referências ao projeto que falei sobre AVRCP podem ser encontradas em um post meu anterior. Estou disponibilizando abaixo os slides.

    EDIÇÃO 02/12/2011: coloquei uma nota no slide 7, relatando o que falei durante a apresentação sobre uso de IDE.

    Para aqueles que não conseguem visualizar acima, segue o link direto para a apresentação.

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  3. LinuxCon Brazil

    I’m back from LinuxCon Brazil, that was held in Sao Paulo on 17 and 18 November. Before the first keynote, ProFUSION was announced as becoming member of Linux Foundation :-)! Our logo is already in their members page.

    It was also a great time to talk again to some developers I met in LinuxCon Europe last month and some that were not present there. One talk I really like was given by Eugeni Dodonov about the Intel Linux Graphics stack. It was a good overview of all the graphics stack in Linux, paying attention to Intel’s boards and drivers …

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  4. Back from Kernel Summit, LinuxCon Europe and ELCE

    Last week from 23-Oct to 28-Oct I was at 3 conferences in Prague, Czech Republic, together with Gustavo Barbieri, Gustavo Padovan and Ulisses Furquim: the ProFUSION crew in Prague.

    Starting from Kernel Summit, I had the opportunity to join the Bluetooth Summit and participate in the discussions regarding this subsystem in Linux, both in kernel and user space. We had a lot of hot topics to discuss, including the upcoming BlueZ 5.0, Bluetooth 3.0 (high speed), Bluetooth 4.0 (low energy) and I could also demonstrate the work I’ve been doing with the AVRCP profile. I’m …

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  5. AVRCP 1.3 on BlueZ

    During the past weeks I’ve been working again on the BlueZ project and now we can finally announce that the AVRCP 1.3 profile is officially supported.

    Technical background

    For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, here comes a little background for those buzzwords:

    BlueZ is the user-space part of the Bluetooth® technology stack used on Linux and Android. It has support for several Bluetooth profiles such as RFCOMM, HID, PAN, PBAP, OBEX, HFP, A2DP (some of them are implemented as separate projects) that are defined by the Bluetooh SIG. In simpler terms, BlueZ is …

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  6. ANNOUNCE: codespell 1.2

    Since I created a mailing list for codespell, the announcements here will not have as many details as before. Checkout the new version of codespell: http://groups.google.com/group/codespell/browse_thread/thread/bce1a6f83d4bbd85

    One of the issues I with codespell was that it was trying to parse cscope.out, since it’s a text file. On Linux Kernel this file can get very big and besides taking much longer, sometimes it was running out of memory :-). Now codespell has an option to ignore files, even text ones. It’s as easy as passing —skip=”*.eps,cscope.out” (notice this …

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