1. Analyzing chess.com tournaments

    This year at ProFUSION we started to create chess tournaments to play using chess.com so we have fun not only coding but playing this game. However it’s even more fun when we put both together: chess and code :-)!

    During the second tournament we realized chess.com was missing a nice feature: to allow participants to predict who would be the champion based on the current championship status and future results. To show the current state, Chess.com presents us with a table like this:

    Not the missing games with a “_”. What we would like is to predict …

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  2. Back from Linux Plumbers

    I’m back from USA after one week attending Linux Plumbers Conference. This was my first time in LPC, in which I was part of the CoreOS, talking about “From libabc to libkmod: writing core libraries”.

    It was a very good experience and I’m glad to meet so many developers, both kernel and userspace hackers. Some of them I only knew from IRC, mailing-lists, etc and it was great time to share our experiences, discuss the current problems in Linux and even fix bugs :-). We seem finally to have reached a consensus on how module signing should be done …

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  3. ConnMan in Archlinux

    For sometime (I think it’s almost 2 years) I was maintaining the ConnMan package in AUR, the user repository in Archlinux.

    After talking to Dave Falconindy and Daniel Wallace, the later accepted to maintain it in community repository. As a result I’m dropping the package in AUR. All of you that were using my package should upgrade to the latest version from the official Archlinux repository.

    A great news is coming for Enlightenment users, too: a new ConnMan module, written from scratch, that works properly with recent versions. This is reaching e-svn very soon. Stay tunned. Thanks to …

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  4. BlueZ to move to standard D-Bus interfaces

    During the last week I was in Recife, Brazil, together with Henrique Dante, Ulisses Furquim and other fellows attending the BlueZ meeting. We discussed several topics, among them the upcoming BlueZ 5 API. That discussion started by Johan and Marcel saying BlueZ would not move to DBus.Properties and DBus.ObjectManager anymore for the next version. Main reason being that BlueZ now will have more frequent releases than it had in past and therefore there wasn’t enough time to convert the API. However I and Luiz von Dentz already had an almost working solution: I implemented DBus.Properties and …

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  5. ELC 2012

    Hey, this is my feedback of ELC 2012. If you didn’t read the first part, about ABS 2012, you can read the previous post first.

    ELC is one of my favorite conferences as I can meet several talented people and have good talks about Linux in embedded devices. This time was not an exception and I enjoyed very much. The main reason I was there was because I was going to present kmod, the new tool to manage kernel modules. But that would be only on the last day of the conference. Let’s start from the beginning.

    To …

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  6. Android Builders Summit 2012

    Four weeks ago, from Februart 13rd to Februrary 17th I was at Android Builders Summit and Embedded Linux Conference in San Francisco. I was a bit busy these last weeks so I didn’t have an opportunity to write here about the conferences as I usually do. I was going to do a post about both the conferences, but after writing a little bit I realized it would be very big. So I split in 2 and here is the one for ABS 2012; the other is coming soon.

    This was my first time at Android Builders Summit. Since in …

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